Recent events in the battle rap realm suggest they are. On Saturday evening the 23 of December a day before Christmas eve a virtual battle event titled Dangerous Mindz took place via YouTube. Listed on the card for that night you could find bouts between Rum Nitty and Rio, KingSess and Reepah Rell, LLCoogi and Li the Mayor, and among others DMoney vs Geechi Gotti. Viewers piled into the live excited to see each battle yet anticipating the verbal volley between Geechi and DMoney. Why the expectancy? It should be known that the two competitors in this case may not be considered equals. Geechi having performed on some of the largest stages in battle rap and Dmoney more recently entering the game. Members of the various battle rap communities who know both artists wondered how such a battle could be booked.
So how did these matchups come about? Well as far as we can gather from the event footage there were payments made by invested parties to make this particular battle possible. However, after deciding on who would go first after a coin toss Geechi instead of performing a verse went on a sort of flossy rant and left the live prematurely. Viewers were confused in the chat as to why Geechi didn’t perform as he was paid to, and some speculate that the organizers of the event knew that things were going to go the way they did and still allowed matters to unfold. Then what happened with the money for the battle.